If you believe self-representation is a good money-saving strategy, we can just stop with this sentence.
However, if you believe there is value in using experts to achieve better results, we should talk.
Here’s how we help you focus on your area of expertise:
● Doxpop is Made for Indiana. Our E-Filing system is designed and streamlined exclusively for Indiana rules and procedures. No other EFSP, including the State's system, can make that claim.
● Doxpop Handles Civil Process for you. Just choose the method during E-Filing. When the clerk file stamps the documents, we commence service immediately.
● Doxpop’s Support Staff are Knowledgeable and Experienced. Our support team is focussed on Indiana. On average, our support team members have been with the company for 14 years.
● Doxpop Networks in Indiana. We attend every clerks' conference and listen to them with care. When we need help, we've got friends who will help us resolve problems.
● Doxpop is More Than E-Filing. With Doxpop you can automatically have your personal calendar synched with the court calendar and receive immediate notifications of events you care about.
● Doxpop Handles Civil Process for you. Just choose the method during E-Filing. When the clerk file stamps the documents, we commence service immediately.
● Doxpop’s Support Staff are Knowledgeable and Experienced. Our support team is focussed on Indiana. On average, our support team members have been with the company for 14 years.
● Doxpop Networks in Indiana. We attend every clerks' conference and listen to them with care. When we need help, we've got friends who will help us resolve problems.
● Doxpop is More Than E-Filing. With Doxpop you can automatically have your personal calendar synched with the court calendar and receive immediate notifications of events you care about.
Already using another EFSP? No problem. We can switch you over in about 5 minutes at no cost so you can give us a try. If you’re not ecstatic, switching back is just as easy!